ISO 9001:2015 | ISO 27001:2013 | ISO/IEC 20000-1:2018 | CMMI Maturity Level 5 Certified     +91-44-47414600

About Us

Quality Policy

Quality Policy

Interlace is committed to provide products, services and solutions that shall bring substantial benefits and satisfaction to customers by

  • Total Employees Involvement
  • On time Delivery every time
  • Defect Prevention
  • Continuous Process Improvement

Quality is a habit.

Our mature Quality framework assures the following benefits to our clients.

  • Proven Project / Process Management practices that are both effective and Model compliant (ISO / CMMI)
  • Rich repository of Re-usable / Best practices / Learning derived from execution of large number of Projects
  • Testing methodology successfully applicable to both internal / external Quality Control setups
  • Quantitative Process Management with robust metrics program

Interlace adherence and commitment to quality standards have resulted in our clients relying on our competencies to provide value-added consulting and training on quality parameters, best suited to improve and enhance their business process.

Interlace certified has

Interlace Certified has ISO 9001:2008
Interlace Certified has ISO 27001:2013
Interlace Certified has ISO/IEC 20000-1:2018
Interlace Certified has CMMI Level 5
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